miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009


The country’s Constitution guarantees equal status to 11 official languages to cater for the country’s diverse peoples and their cultures. These are:
Other languages spoken in South Africa and mentioned in the Constitution are the Khoi, Nama and San languages, sign language, Arabic, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Portuguese, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telegu and Urdu. There are also a few indigeneous creoles and pidgins.
English is generally understood across the country, being the language of business, politics and the media, and the country’s lingua franca. But it is only spoken in 5 out of 11 homes.
South Africa linguistic diversity means all 11 languages have had a profound effect on each other. South African English, for example, uses a lot of words and phrases from Afrikaans, Isizulu, Nama and other African languages. And Africa-language speakers often use English and African words too.


According to the 2001 census, Isizulu is the mother tongue of 23.8% of South Africa’s population, followed by Isixhosa at 17.6%, Afrikaans at 13.3%, Sepedi at 9.4%, and English and Setswana each at 8.2%.

Sesotho is the mother tongue of 7.9% of South Africans, while the remaining four official languages are spoken at home by less than 5% of the population each.

IsiZulu,isiXhosa, Siswati and IsiNdebele are collectively referred to as Nguni languages, and have many similarities in syntax and grammar. The Sotho languages- Setswana, Sepedi and Sesotho- also have much in common.

According to historical data, many of South Africa’s indigenous tribes share a common ancestry. But, as grouping and clans broke up in search of autonomy, variations of the common languages evolved.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

South Africa's capital

Unlike other countries of the world, three cities act as South Africa capital.

The Republic of South Africa vests its executive, legislative and judicial authorities in three separate cities. Pretoria functions as the executive capital, Bloemfontein as the judicial, while the legislative powers are vested in Cape Town.

South Africa Capital-Legislative
Cape Town is the legislative capital of South Africa. It also serves as the provincial capital of Western Cape. As the legislative capital of South Africa, Cape Town houses several government offices including the National Parliament.
Cape Town is locally governed by a metropolitan municipality, which is known by the name City of Cape Town. A city council is responsible for governing the regular activities of the city.

South Africa Capital-Executive
Pretoria serves as the administrative or the executive capital of South Africa. Pretoria falls within the Gauteng province of South Africa. At times Pretoria also servers as the de facto capital of South Africa. Pretoria is famous for being the seat of higher learning in South Africa. The largest residential university of South Africa is located in Pretoria.
Pretoria is also the hub of industrial activities of South Africa. Automobile, machinery, iron and steel are the main industries that flourish in this city.

South Africa Capital-Judicial
Bloemfontein is the judicial capital of South Africa. This city has earned a reputation for the beautiful flowers that grow in this city. Bloemfontein is located in the Manguang Local Municipality. Bloemfontein is also an important educational center of South Africa with several large schools and universities.
South African capitals are also important tourist destinations, thronged by tourists across the globe.